Anonymity: The New Hot Thing.

26 01 2007

According to this article, the hottest thing in the future is anonymity.

To be un-famous.

To be Googled — and to not be there. No link. No Wiki. No tube, space or face. No nothing.

It’s too late for most adults — anyone with a job, a driver’s license or a signature on a public document. But in a world where anyone can be known, what could be cooler than not being known? In a celebrity-saturated culture, what could be hotter than not being a celebrity?

Yes, you will wish that your name were not listed on websites, blogs, search engines, social networks, web directories, etc. You will realize that it is not really that cool to let almost everyone read your profile, your contact information, your address, your hobbies, your interests, your crushes, your fears, and other personal information that you enjoyably publish through your blog.

Somehow, I agree. But really, in a world where technology is so advance that everything you do online is stored in a database and search engines knows what you’re searching, can someone really remain anonymous?

No. Your quest for fame is highly achievable. Thanks to the Internet. Think of Youtube, MySpace and Flickr. If you have an account to any one of these social networks, congratulations, you’ve lost your anonymity. You are famous.

Now, if anonymity is going to be a prized commodity in the future, I’m wondering if companies will offer services to achieve it. How bout a search engine removal? If that’s impossible maybe search engine de-optimization? Or perhaps, link un-building?

Whatever. I say, enjoy your anonymity while you have it. You’ll never know how famous can you be tomorrow.

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9 responses

29 01 2007

I found your blog via google by accident and have to admit that youve a really interesting blog 🙂
Just saved your feed in my reader, have a nice day 🙂

29 01 2007

I’m REALLY in trouble – google my first name and I now come up #4 or so … uh oh.

Nice site, BTW 😉

29 01 2007

Yes, but if everyone else is just as famous as you are, isn’t that just as good as being anonymous? Your still one drop in a sea of faces.

30 01 2007


You have a high PR. You’re famous.

Good point. But how bout privacy?

4 02 2007

Found your blog through Blogmad… Good stuff! And I really like this anominity idea. I’ll bet there will be a huge illegal market for fake ids in the future!

1 03 2007
Elaine Vigneault

The beauty of Internet Celebrity is freedom from paparazzi.

5 03 2007

Nice name. the funny thing about internet celebrity is that we are our own paparazzi.

24 03 2007
batista theme

batista theme

I Googled for something completely different, but found your page…and have to say thanks. nice read.

29 03 2010

You’re famous is in it?

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